Good Eighth Company on Nanjing Road 2
Always alert
People's Liberation Army 1
People's Liberation Army 2
I will do what Chairman Mao said
Armed Forces joint exercises
Emancipated slaves
Everybody strive to be the sharp gunman
Everyone wants to be the best artilleryman
Stand guard for 600 million people
Pay tribute to People's Liberation Army of China
Work hard to practice swimming, prepare to defend the country at any time.
Celebrate Vietnamese people’s great victory in fighting against America
Oppose America invaded Democratic Republic of Vietnam
US imperialism gets out from southern Vietnam
People of China always ready to fight side by side with Vietnamese people
Celebrate the great victory of the battle fight against America
The place I worked when I was a child
Ouyanghai sacrificed himself to save a train
The southern Vietnamese will win the war against US for sure
US imperialism gets out from all the places it encroached
People and army of Vietnam fought well, accurate and ruthless
Resolutely support the battles by Vietnamese people to fight against America and save the country
Vietnam is going to win. US imperialism is doomed to fail.
All invaders will be annihilated
Action, people of the world. Force the US invaders to get out from Vietnam.
Alert, prepare to smash US aggression at any time
The battle fight against imperialism by Vietnamese people is a great contribution to the revolution movement of people of the world
Cast out US invaders from southern Vietnam
Action, people of the world. Force the US invaders to get out from Vietnam.
Victory must belong to the heroic Vietnamese people
People and army of Vietnam fought well, accurate and ruthless
Resolutely support the battles by Vietnamese people to fight against America and save the country
Remember the hatred. Every bullet hits enemy.
Assaulted and kill bravely. Bayonet turned to red.
Witty and brave. Conquer everything.
Eliminate enemies, save ourselves.
Remember class hatred hard. Clasp the gun in hands tight
Fight against the invasion of US imperialism
Dispatched immediately upon ordered.