A big happy event of Chinese working class
Worker became mine chief
People’s republic of China is leaded by the worker class. The people’s democratic country which ally with workers and farmers.
All the rights of People’s republic of China belong to the people
Dancing exultingly to celebrate the announce of People’s republic of China’s constitution
Come, walk together
增加農業生產, 把餘糧賣給國家, 幫助國家建設 !
Women hold up half the sky. Order the mountains and rivers to change a new look.
Contribute strengths to achieve the Four Modernizations sooner
Speed up to realize the Four modernizations. Make the high speed.
Check every process, strive for high quality and production
Map of the People’s Republic of China
Construct China Style Socialism
Comrade Deng Xiaoping's southern inspection in Shenzhen
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively
Deepening reform comprehensively