Happy marriage
Arrange your own affairs
Wedding dress
Arrange a wedding for youself
Double happiness
Step on the terraces to go to the sky
Happiness and long life
The happiness of foison
Give it to the relative chairman Mao
Dragon lantern dance
Big birthday peach
Celebrate the bumper harvest together
Peace and happiness. Progress every year.
Double happiness
Marshals of steel and food
Rising sun in the east. Hundred birds are singing.
Happy to report three more
Play lantern games
Fruits full of the mountain. Happy about bumper harvest.
Five blessings
Thrifty innovation flower
Rising sun in east
Play the bumper harvest music with trumpet. Play the piccolo to welcome the spring.
Happy to report flowering
Happy mandarin ducks
The first spring
Peking liberation
Picture of celebration
To establish a sexes equality, democracy and peace new family
The moon of 15th
Happiness tree
Return from the visiting
Happy match
Celebrate the year of dragon
Three fortune gods are giving happiness
Loving each other
Chinese Wedding
Arrival of Marriage Presents at the Bridal Residence 1843
A Chinese marriage procession. – From drawings by a native artist.