Ping Wanzhen
Situation map of Second Opium War
Chinese Officers hauling down the British Flag on the "Arrow.
The “Eaglet’s” attack on Chinese junks at Toong-Chung. Return of the “Eaglet” to Hong Kong, dressed in the Chinese Flag. 1857
The Fatsham Creek Engagement in the Canton River
Attack of the river forts of Pei-Ho, May 20 1858
1858 panoramic view of the city of Beijing.
The big baron visiting a pagoda-Hai Kwang for the signing of the treaty with the Emperor of China, in 1858.
Pei-ho attack by the allied fleets.
Commissioner Yeh being conducted to the presence of the Plenipotentiaries - 1858
The War in China Ye-Mingchen. 1858
The war in China, Attack on the “Banterer’s” Boat in Sai-Lau Creek Canton River. 1858
A scene in the attack on canton by the allied French and English
The attack on the Peiho Forts by the English and French fleets. 1858
One of the canton jetties , in front of the Spanish and French factories.
The Sanspareil Naval Brigade landing at Canton. The Burning of Telesio’s store
Signing of the treaty between England and China at Tsien-Tsin 1858
the Taku forts
Chinese smoking opium 1859
Attack by the allied forces on the Chinese Fortifications at the mouth of the rive
Yuanmingyuan of Beijing
Allied forces attack Chinese forts on the mouth of Peiho river 1859
All attacks forts of Pei-ho 1857
The King’s Dragoon Guards closing with tartar cavalry in the engagement near Pekin 1860
China, Opium wars 1860
Looting the emperor’s palace 1860
The company's 101 line to combat Pa Li-Kiao.
Expedition to China. Street Fantasy in Beijing
The earl of elgin’s entrance into Pekin on the 24th of October last to sign the treaty of peace between great Britain and China
Street scene in Pekin: A crowd of celestials contemplating the barbarians.
An-tin mun, the gate of Pekin in our possession.
Yuanmingyuan of Beijing