Took some soldier’s pay to pay for prostitutes
Laughing stock of officialdom
Costed a life due to false accusing
Western soldiers were practicing
Ambassadors of western countries went celebrated the Empress dowager’s birthday
Whipping women of opium smoking store
French grabbed people’s city hall
French people were cruel
Japanese killed people with Japanese sword
Flood in Guangdong
Cave in in Jiangzhou
Renji giving medical treatments
Famine victims thanked for the kindness
Abusing lying-in woman
Little couple
Virginity and full integrity
Forced a widow to marry as concubine
Master misusing slave girls
Selling wives and slave girls
Walking on rope and turn around body
New skill of dancing on rope
Birthday party of Liou camp
Pekin.- Grande Rue Merchant Outside The Door Tsien-men
Women went to riot and salt managing bureau
The Chinese Paul pry
”The Li-Measuring carriage of old China: The ‘Taxi – Cab’ of 265 A.D.
A cricket match: Tickling crickets with rats’ whiskers to encourage them to fight
Zhengchang company
Kwong Tat Yuen
Tongxing metal and grocery store
Erudite ancient screen strip.
Having fun with Chiaki
Happy New Yea
Domestic goods factory. Twelve main points of store.
Children body and mind education
Children body and mind education (9)
Baby Care
Rest under shadow of willow.