Actions after alarming
Actions after alarming
Clear up the results of air raid
Clear up the results of air raid
Clear up the results of air raid
Knowledge of preventing nuclear weapon
Knowledge of preventing nuclear weapon
Knowledge of preventing nuclear weapon
Knowledge of preventing nuclear weapon
Knowledge of preventing chemical weapon
Knowledge of preventing chemical weapon
Knowledge of preventing chemical weapon
Knowledge of preventing biological weapon
Knowledge of preventing biological weapon
Advances in storms
Visiting the venue of First National Representative Meeting of Communist party
During march
Long live people of the world big unity
An attentive person for passengers
Do not let him absences
Teenage hero Zhang Gaoqian
Flip chart of knowledge of protection from atomic, chemical and bacterial weapons
Well prepare for the anti-aggression war
Quotations from Chairman Mao
Establish an always be on the alert thought firmly
Decontamination for roads and buildings
Decontamination for food and water
Prepare simple protection equipment for an individual
Actions to take when attack by chemical weapons
Reconnaissance for contaminated areas
The limitation and preventable of chemical weapons
Widespread the 3 protection educations. Train up professional teams
The explosion scenes of atomic weapons
The limitation, destructive and preventable of atomic weapons
The limitation, destructive and preventable of bacterial weapons
Construct fortifications
The waterproof and moisture proof of fortifications
The gateways of fortifications