Map of the People’s Republic of China
To establish a sexes equality, democracy and peace new family
Fly little swallow
Miss Su tested her bridegroom thrice
Be careful about electric shock
Everybody takes responsibility of the traffic safety
Play attention to food hygiene, raise the standard of health
Drink boiled water, don’t drink un-boiled water, improve the hygiene of food and drink, prevent the infection of disease
Rambling in spring
Love clean, aware hygiene
Healthy and strong baby
Study English
Deep and long friendship
A monk of Tang Dynasty sought for scriptures of Buddhism
Without Communist Party then it won’t has new China
Lays of obstacles, refined by fire, break through pressures, illuminate the people.
Goddess of the Wu mountain
Soar to welcome the spring
Dynamic picture of the new year
Puppet and new flowers
We fix the hydropower station too
Bumper of summer oranges
Give the good quality products to people
I love red scarf
Before joining the Young Pioneer, do one good affair
Vow for joining the Young Pioneers
Red scarf is part of our national flag
Red scarf is dyed by the blood of revolutionary martyrs
The flag of our team is star and torch
The benefit of people is higher than everything
Love labor work
The flag of our team is star and torch
Exercise the body for glorying the country
Books are good friends of Young Pioneers
Love the public properties
Pride of the motherland
Respect and love to the generals
The pretension of the mother nation
The moon of 15th