The main construction achievements of the motherland
Jincheng brand shoes
Dunhuang brand thermos
Please use Iridium pen
1959s Map of motherland agricultural leap forward.
Heading to new goal.
We temper with the ore together.
Increase cotton production, weave more cotton cloth.
More pig more fertile. More fertile more food.
Long live the victory of national liberation movement
Chairman Mao loves labor working
Exalt the Communism cooperation sprit. Support planting the mountain areas of the country.
Pay attention on both Industry and agriculture. Self-sufficient productions and commodity productions are both important.
Hygiene checking
Women! Strive for greater achievement as a tribute to the motherland.
Labor working people of the whole city take action. Take technological revolution, develop social productive forces rapidly. Strive for accomplish this year’s mission of national economic plan.
Wisdom competition. Support technological and cultural revolutions
Carry through the 8-word constitution for agriculture to strive for greater bumper harvest
Continue implement the policy of steel as the key line. Strive for greater Leap Forward on the industrial battlefront of 1959
Work practically, hardly and ingeniously to accomplish greater, better and more comprehensive Leap Forward
Mining with great effort. Support steel-making.
Motivation competition. Leap Forward and Leap Forward
10 marks of quota, 12 marks of me
10 marks of quota, 12 marks of measures, 24 marks of motivation
My mother is a hero
Good crops
People from all over the world unite together to safeguard peace
The victory belongs to peace and Socialism
Village preschool class
Implement the "Three-pronged" thoroughly. Produce sweet fruits.
Gu Zhenghong leaded the workers to fight the Japanese capitalists and their lackeys
Moscow Beijing
We must make our motherland to become more beautiful
Learn philosophy
Caring the next generation is a honorable task
Glory belongs to the working women
Calm the insurgency thoroughly, construct Tibet to be an earthly paradise.
Celebrate May 1st International Labor Day
Tibet is China’s Tibet forever
Chairman Mao was a guest in my home