Qing Dynasty map
Chinese arts and crafts . (Arts et metiers des chinois)
Chinese vehicle
Industry, Crafts China. (Industrie, arts et metiers des chinois)
Musical instruments, music China (instrumens, de musique des chinois)
Chinese musical instruments (musikalische instrumente der chinesen)
Feast in the courtroom. Festin Dans La Salle Daudien ce 1748
Audience of Conge (Audience De Conge )1748
The Ambassador led the Hearing (L Ambassadeur conduit a l Audience ) 1748
City of Chau Cheu Fu (City De Chau Cheu Fu) 1748
Arc of Triomphe De Canton (Arc De Triomphe De Canton)
Mandarins ures of the Halde (Mandarins ures de du Halde). 1748
Chinese fishing (Peche Chinoise) 1748
Temple of Pau Lin Shi near Nankin.
riests or monks De Fo (Prestres ou Moines De Fo.) 1748
Fujian, capital of Fuzhou. (Fu Cheu Fu ou Hoksyeu Capitale De Fo Kyen ) 1750
guests of the Imperial palace. (Salle Imperiale De L Audience )
View of the Great Wall on the side through which I entered ambassador to China. ( Vue de la grande muraille du cote par lequel I ambassadeur entra a la chine. )
Ambaffador conducted to audiences.
The Emperor Kien Long receives a homage of elected. (L’empereur Kien-Long recoit a Gi-ho les hommages des Eleuto )
Chao-Hoei receives homages the inhabitants of the city and the province in his camp under the walls of the Yerechin. (Tchao-Hoei reçoit dans son camp sous les murs de Yerechim, les hommages des habitants de la ville et
Combat du 1st September 1759 in the mountains of Poulok, Fou-te control the Imperial cuts against both Hot chom.
Battle of Altchour won by Fou-Ti, against both Hot chom . (Bataille d’Altchour gagnee par Fou-Ti, contre les deux Hot-chom) 1759
A Festival annually celebrafed in honour of Confucius, an eminent Chinese Philosopher
The Emperor of China. 1777
The Imperial Gardens (Les Chardins Imperials)