All reactionaries are paper tigers. They looked scary but in fact they have no terrific strength. If we look at the issue from the long-term point of view, the real powerf
Chairman Mao boundless longevity
Wish the red sun of our heart, Chairman Mao boundless longevity sincerely.
Loyal to the great leader Chairman Mao unlimitedly
Bombard the headquarters
Long live the comprehensive victory of Proletarian Cultural Revolution
The working class must lead everything
Chairman Mao and his close battle companions comrade Lin Biao and comrade Zhou Enlai
Long live, our great tutor, great leader Chairman Mao.
Our great leader Chairman Mao at the 12th meeting of the 8th central committee of Communist Party of China
Our great leader Chairman Mao long live, long long live.
Our great leader Chairman Mao long live, long live, long long live.
Our great tutor, great leader, great commander-in-chief and great helmsman – Chairman Mao long live.
Long live the great Communist Party of China. Long live the great leader Chairman Mao
Follow the great leader Chairman Mao to forge ahead courageously
Expel the traitor , the thief Liu Shaoqi from the Party forever.
Mao Zedong’s thought is the summit of Marxism-Leninism in contemporary era
Must govern the seas and rivers thoroughly
Proletarian Cultural Revolution is essentially under the Socialism condition, ......
Our important task on the ideological front for now is to start criticizing the revisionism.
Cheered for the publishing of《Mao Zedong’santhology V》
Wish Chairman Mao boundless longevity sincerely
The significance of implementing late marriage and birth planning
Bury the US Imperialism in the sea of people’s war
Pay resolute attention on revolution. Hasten production abruptly.
The great victory of Chairman Mao’s revolution route, long live.
At the happiest moment
Heroes love Chairman Mao. Mao Zedong’s thought educate heroes.
Chairman Mao’s literary work for me is food and weapon. They like the steering wheel of a car. – Diary of Lei Feng.
Dare to ask the sun and moon to change a new sky
The whole heart is for the revolution. All for the revolution.
If need to sacrifice for the ideal of communism, every one of us must and should be able to do that without changing the color of our face and heart beating.
Live for fighting for Chairman Mao. Devote my body to Chairman Mao.
Dig the red heart for the people
For Mao Zedong’s thought, dare to carry even the sky is falling.
All think about Chairman Mao. All obey to Chairman Mao. All follow Chairman Mao. All for Chairman Mao.
Study the highest instructions hard. Implement the highest instructions faithfully. Propaganda the highest instructions enthusiastically. Defend the highest instructions bravely.
The invincible Mao Zedong’s Thought illuminate the revolutionary art stage